Sunday 9 November 2014

Morning After Watford Event - Link4Coffee - Hitchin Market

The morning after the Watford Link4Drinks, was spent chatting with the lovely +Catherine Baldwin and +tonia nixon ar Catherines home.  Thanks to you and your family once again for a lovely stay, you all made us feel very welcome.

As a wonderful surprise the lovely +Chris Ogle had arranged for +tonia nixon+Gerri Riddiough  and myself to attend the Link4Coffee event in Hitchin Market at a really beautiful art gallery and cafe, the Copper Beech Art Gallery, with warm and friendly staff, yummy food and amazing art.

The event is hosted by the gorgeous +Kate Griffiths who I have had the pleasure and honour of getting to know up until this day only on Facebook, so this was our first meeting, and the look on her face when we walked in was priceless.  It was such a lovely event

Here we have +Kate Griffiths  and +Chris Ogle with Belinda, Usha and another Lisa flicking through the Link4Growth book during the event.

Kate, is the founder and CEO of Whole Self Leadership, which offers a range of services.   I am planning on organising a Colour Therapy Workshop here in Derbyshire in the spring of 2015 :)   

One very interesting conversation we had was regarding a workshop on leadership that Kate and her colleague are facilitating for nurses and midwives working for the NHS - anyone interested can contact Kate herself or check out the NHS Leadership Academy

In the background, myself, Tonia, Keith and Gerri

I also had the opportunity to chat to the lovely +Jen Tiller of who has such an interesting story to tell, a real spirit full of love and healing energy.  I definitely would LOVE to go and have an MOT and a visit the Snow leopard Sanctuary.  Jen is also the founder of Healerzone and Reality Quest.

Also attending was the amazing and very interesting character of Keith W Ecott who is a life transformation coach, and a new host for Link4Growth -Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire and Herts district lots to discuss their - safe to say Tonia, Gerri and I were riveted.

Afterwards we walked around Hitchin Market which was heaving with such a variety of stalls and goods, from dresses and clothes, fruit and vegetables, bread and take away food to car boot type stalls

I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 36 hours, spending time with lovely, awake and caring people, new and reacquainting with.  A HUGE Thanks and hugs go out to +Gerri Riddiough for driving us down to Watford and back home again, to +Chris Ogle for arranging the surprise visit to +Kate Griffiths' event and to everyone I met for the first time or more.

This was where Tonia and I stood and enjoyed the view while waiting for Gerri to finish at the market - lovely and relaxing

Thank you Kate my lovely for the use of her photos for this blogpost xxx

Little Discoveries - Bob Marley Coffee in Hitchin

following the Hitchins Coffee Event and a walk around the makets -
I discovered the little Marley Coffee stall, by following the tunes I could hear, some one, somewhere was playing my favourite kinda music, personally I love the Marley herbal soft drinks, as well as their business ethics, I had to try a coffee,

Boxer preparing coffee with #OneLove
Boxer the guy who runs the little stall from the back of a Piaggio Ape, takes REAL care in preparing your coffee by hand, everything is spotlessly clean before and after each brew takes a while but OMGosh its definitely worth waiting for, delicious !

Backgammon Tables while away the time
I wished I had time to sit and watch people play backgammon, by the riverside, listening to reggae while sipping my latte, sadly we had a long journey ahead of us and had to hit the road.

The stall was also featured in the Guardian recently

 Boxer and his Marley Coffee MIni-van at Hitchin market
Boxer & Marley Coffee mini-van at Hitchin Market #OneLove
I urge anyone in the local area of Hitchin, to check out Boxers coffee stall, he can be found on 

I for one wish him ALL the very best for the future, much prosperity and abundance #OneLove

Link4Drinks Watford

I have to say I really did enjoy meeting so many people at Watford Link4Drinks event on the 16th October.

It was a lovely drive down with +Gerri Riddiough and +tonia nixon  who had already driven from Redcar to mine in Derbyshire to pick me up and then off we went down to the Big Smoke lol

First I would love to say a really HUGE thank you to +Catherine Baldwin and her lovely family for putting +tonia nixon and myself up for the night.

After meeting Catherine and her lovely family, we were off to a lovely pub called the "Moon Under Water"

Moon Under Water
It was lovely to meet +mike bridger and +Diane Richardson , +Alex Murray the very beautiful +Jennifer Harris who I am so happy to be connected to business wise - 

Tonia Nixon - Mark Alzano and Mo !

definitely NOT forgetting my rebel friends +Catherine Jennings and +Mark Alzano who entertained us all with his wig, "pets with tourettes" along with some very strange chat up lines, LOL

+mike bridger +Gerri Riddiough  and myself

+Alex J Murray
All in all we all had a really great night lots of fun and laughter, some serious conversation, but mostly fun chat about this and that.

Mark Alzano - Aye Aye Cap'in

Thank you to everyone who came along and for being fantastic

Friday 7 November 2014

Link4Coffee - Child Friendly Event

The last few weeks have been flying by at such a rapid rate, I truly haven't known whether I am on my head or my elbow.

Link4Growth- Derbyshire 

I have been mega busy with lots of projects, one of which is +Link4Growth Derbyshire where we held our very first #link4coffee (child friendly event), this one was for self employed, home educators, the right people were there, as always and the conversation was as interesting as ever, it was real fun, watching the kids disappear and enjoy the facilities at Lanky Bills, a big thank you to the owner Jill for graciously letting us congregate there.  

And thanks too to Andy Jones of +Bouncing Carrot Photography as well as Tracy White, Mikey and all the other children for coming along. 

It's a monthly meet, the food is great, and we were pleasantly surprised to learn that Jill the owner of +Lanky Bill’s Fun Shack in Langley Mill, also has gluten free food on the menu.

Looking forward to seeing you all there next month on the 

10th November at 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Tickets can be found on Eventbrite

Monday 29 September 2014

Left Brained Hangups

oh my days !!

I have never been good with numbers can manage life maths but it was always my sister Julie who was the numbers girl ;) 

but last night something in me broke when i was considering an "assignment" i have to memorise 32 cards against their titles.
Please remember that I am to now the sort of woman that cannot remember what day it is, never mind anything else

You see i have left brained hang ups - seriously I don't do numbers, logic most physics except quantum physics strangely enough.

I spoke to my friend and a "sis" in every sense of the word and I told her it reminds me of school and having to prove myself in front if everyone else, when i just didn't see the point

I just knew I couldn't do it - 

I decided meditate on it after talking to my friend s.

Then something I have heard +Gerri Riddiough  say "whether you think you can or not you're  right"  something I have known is right for half my life.  Then i realised I had never challenged my thinking on Maths or absolutely anything remotely numbers related.


I have also been working through the book by +Carol Dodsley  called "Choose Change" as well as listening to her "breaking the past" NLP audios. 

I decided after my meditation to listen with the focus being (ie my intention being) to challenge that past agreement I made with whatever person or situation that taught me i did get left brained thinking activities lol

I put the audio on a loop while i slept my last and most focused thoughts on left brained hang ups and unhanging them.

I woke this morning and got to work on daily stuff before turning my attention to one of the most exciting projects i have been involved with since being "active" in the animal rights, the hunt sabs', human rights and other stuff i am REALLY passionate about.

A group of people i am so honoured to know, and myself have founded a local group in the Derbyshire/Nottingham areas to help people take lawful responsibility for themselves, their families, their income and property.

More on that later...

But since Gerri has worked in banking and mortgages i decided to look at that (weird when all my notes are geared towards the birth certificate issue).

I spent an hour following links doing research and chatting to some facebook friends about everything from pineapples, hawaii and hawaiian spirituality, polyamory, volcanoes and aspartame lol

It all seemed effortless really and then it hit me....OMG i understood completely and wrote my conclusions to the research 
but thats for another blog completely ;)

Maybe my left brained hang-ups are being unhooked 

xxx Lisa <3

Ps Thank you M. for starting this journey x to s. for being the voice of reason, Gerri for her little sayings (you have nearly as many as me ;) and Carol for her wonderful book and NLP Audio (which i thoroughly recommend both)

Meaningful Activity

Meaningful Activity

Meditation and other...

I do this every morning now from 6 - 8 am - I start with affirmations and then a guided meditation.  I do NLP hypnosis and the follow by just sitting quietly enjoying the peace. I also listen to a lot of shamanic drum meditations.

My Daily Meditation

  • Create sacred space (music, candles, incense, oils(optional), nature
  • Sit or lay down with spine straight state intention, "The Divine Light is my source of thought, emotion and action"
  • Begin breathing in a slow & comfortable rhythm. Inhale/ count silently to 4/ exhale to 6.4-8
    times. Then increase inhale to 6 and exhale to 8, 4-8 times.
  • Allow natural and comfortable breath. By now your body will be relaxed and focus in moment.
  • Imagine golden flame in the energy of heart (you may see, feel or just have faith)
  • Hold awareness in the light, breathe....
  • Allow light to fill heart and create ray of light that goes up behind eyes. Just let it fill with light. Breathe…..
  • Let light flow as you breathe from heart down to torso, legs soles of feet
  • Back to heart, breathe light around shoulders, arms and into palms, fingers and tips of fingers
  • Imagine a golden heart light in each palm. Breathe.. be.. believe..
  • Back to heart gently through throat, and hold it behind eyes.
  • Allow it to flow back into a sacred Well, endlessly flowing back as eyes, lids, brow, forehead relax
  • Do not hurry from here stimulating the Third Eye/Divine Eye.
  • Bring light through Crown Chakra and up. Imagine it passing through clouds, stars, moon, sun.
  • Imagine light passing through veils of time and space (symbolic of passing through dimensions)
  • From here let it flow down around and through you. Breathe..
  • State silently or aloud, "Every cell accepts the Divine Light, Order and Love with every breath I take". REPEAT THIS FEW TIMES… BREATHE..


Just working on an exercise plan too - which will be the hardest part in all honesty, not that I lack motivation, its just the rejigging of time etc to fit it in - in a way that works for everyone.

Getting back to the gym,  doing yoga, too and as soon as possible, I am still planning on doing the kickboxing with the kids at the local leisure centre

anyone got advice on how to work exercise into a busy schedule ???

Back to  -


and much more to come

Health & Wellbeing

Health and Well-being

for me this is find a balance in life and this is achieved I know through great nutrition and meaningful activity and exercise, creative, emotional, spiritual expression and growth, good sleep and natural rhythms.

I also know I have a LONG ways to go.


My aims nutritionally are quite drastic from how I was eating at the beginning of this transition period.

From the age of 18 to 39 I was a vegetarian and even vegan for nearly a decade.

Then due to being absolutely exhausted, desperately anemic and very depressed, I sort of gave up and started eating meat again, then gradually although my diet was better than most, it was poor in comparison to what I knew it should be.  For the past 3 years I have wanted to go back to being a vegetarian, the resistance by my family and a lack of money meant I procrastinated and this led to more illness and chronic fatigue.

So my aim is to correct this, to return to a vegan diet once again but this time increasing the raw content of my food to up to 80% by the spring.  I need to get my nutrition right and for that I have chosen to use the Juice Plus+ range and I start on their shakes today for SERIOUS !!!

So to start with I am using Juice Plus+ Chocolate flavour with coconut milk YUM ! - looking forward to getting going - along with my friend Nina  :)

My good friend +Gerri Riddiough has encouraged me to take before and after photos, and I admit that's a great idea, yet I am a little unsure about a bikini Gerri lol :P

I have been learning lots about clean eating and raw foods, and tbh I am really looking forward to doing this, I love raw fruit and veggies, and nuts and seeds and tbh its what I would prefer to eat, but as a mum with 7 kids on a small income I am conscious of the knock on effects, this time however most of the kids are on board with my plans, but don't want to go to the same extremes, which is fine, they will get there :)

But I started of by signing the 30 Day Vegan Pledge at PETA UK and signing up for the Go Vegan Kit.

So, far I have 4 weeks worth of my plan for the change over to vegan/raw food sorted (almost) - Wondering whether to do a Pinterest board or just a collage of the weekly meal plan - with recipes :)

Back to  -


and much more to come

Something in the Air

I feel something in the air ....

After speaking to a dear friend the other night, regarding the inner shift we felt had happened in connection with Pluto moving out of being retrograde, and how we feel it has somehow released us from the fears, that haven't stopped us, but dragged  the shift has happened and we are free to grow and accept and be at peace with whatever.  

At the same time, I feel pulled towards change, focused change towards a clear vision - I feel that transformation is in the air :)

And so I am creating a vision board for the future :)  exciting and scary - exciting in that anything is possible, scary as is in ANYTHING is possible.

Some of the things I am looking at are :

and much more to come

Thursday 25 September 2014

Fine V's Notice - It is time to say NO !

After leaving the event and saying thank you and goodbyes to Jan and Amanda, we made our way  to discover that a parking "fine" had been placed on Gerri's car.  

Well I say Gerri's car but according to the log book the DVLA is the actual owner/keeper of everyone's cars ;)

Upon inspection we find it is not a fine - but a notice !

Which is when Andy shown Gerri and I his legal notice in the tax disc area of his (DVLA's car lol)


The upshot is we are being fooled into thinking these notices have real power.   

These supposed 'fines' that are being handed out are merely invoices, unenforceable.

It is like the Wild West out there - many private parking firms are frankly cowboys.

For More Info on this try

I look forward to +Gerri Riddiough's response to this on her blog  

Link4Coffee Launch Event - and what an event :)


Wednesday 24th September 2014
10:00 am till 12:30 pm

Well... it has been a very eventful 24 hours.  Last night my family and I were host to +Gerri Riddiough the Regional District Leader for +Link4Growth Team North (aka Princess of Power lol)

We had shall we say a rip roaring night, Gerri coped very well with the influx of people, her only gasp for breath was to chant "and who's this?" LOL

Well it is not everyday someone gets to stay in the crazy family home of 7 kids, as well as that home being practically a youth centre, added to that mix was my friend Nina and lots of inebriating libations.  Much fun and laughter had by all.  I think I went to bed about 2am.

Up for 8am, kids fed, washed and dressed, babysitting teens rolled out of bed, and Gerri and I were dressed and ready in the car and pulling up in the Market Square for 9.55am (ish)

Introductions and Stimulating Conversations

We arrived at Jan's Cafe, to be met by Andy Jones from +Bouncing Carrot Photography , Jan and Amanda from Jan's Cafe, Geoff from GTS, who is also the Chair of Heanor Traders Association, and David Reeves of +Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children 

The conversation ranged from the specifics of Heanor, about the approaching Christmas season and how to create more foot traffic to the market place as well as up and down market street.

We discussed certain projects we are involved in such as Andy's home education awareness campaign in answer to the Nottingham City Council's awful Missing Education poster campaign, since Andy is also the man behind Bouncing Carrot Photography we spoke about the history behind +Bouncing Carrot Photography and its fabulous name.

Charities and Social Enterprise...

We discussed the amazing work done by the +Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children  and the
differences that real charities can make in the lives of others.  About their awesome Sparkle Parties that raise money for families with children near the end of their lives after a long term illness.  He was inspirational to Gerri and I as he spoke about using social entrerprise initiatives in Cannock to also raise money for the charity without incurring huge costs and overheads, both Gerri, Andy and I want to know more David :)  - Definitely a sychronous meeting and connection there.  The Universe is listening Gerri - what more proof do we need !? LOL

Community Education...

Both Jan and Amanda are amazing connectors locally, as the local cafe they have a diverse customer base and get to know lots of local information.  We were talking about the closed Derby college site and how not everyone is academic and how people want to learn real skills and crafts, there is a huge community of crafter that would love to turn their hobbies into paying income, and there isn't enough support or education for them to do that.

Changing the World...

We also talked at length about the various forms of civil action aimed at changing things locally, I know that both Andy Jones and I who have spoken about this for years now, and have both been active in the "alternative" communities.  We all feel
strongly that people should be knowledgeable on common law and how it affects our rights and activities.  There will be more on this in future blog posts from me and from Gerri and no doubt Andy as he is inspired to do so.

We mentioned another Link4Growth subscriber +mike bridger   and what a complete goldmine of information he is when it comes to helping people fight fraudulent claims to their identity, property and income.  One of which we discussed was the Royal Mail and the "postcode contract", admittedly we were a little vague and hazy but we intended to know more.  It was one of those pivotal conversations where we knew we could do more on this subject - which was proved at the end of the coffee event.

more on that later ;)

Lisa - Out & About - L4G & Local Elected Members

Meeting - Friday the 19th September 2014

I had the pleasure to meet Councillors Celia Cox and Paul Jones in Heanor town hall and dicuss at length Heanor and the "four towns", and the issues affecting Heanor and Langley Mill in particular.

Both came across as knowledgeable and passionate about their wards and the people living and working within them.

I am very grateful for their time in meeting with me and discussing the regeneration of Heanor in particular, and I look forward to meeting and working with them again soon.

The Situation in the Heanor Area

Heanor (in case you are just browsing and don't actually know) is a market town in Derbyshire, England, very close to the border with Nottinghamshire.

Key Characteristics:

  • Population: 17,251
  • Hectares: 603
  • Number of Households: 7221
  • Population Density: 30.7 people/hectare.

Source: Census 2011

The Inherent Issues

Heanor and the four market town areas have complex and historical issues affecting their prosperity and regeneration, such as


Low employment and income

At between 4.6 % and 4.9 % the percentage of those unemployed is significantly higher than
the Borough average, with Heanor West having the 2nd highest rate in the Borough, this is also significantly higher than the national average.

The percentage of Heanor residents claiming benefits is higher than the Borough average. At 16.2% the percentage of Heanor West residents claiming benefits is significantly higher than the other Heanor wards and the national average

Average households incomes in Heanor are between 8% (Heanor West) and 14% (Heanor and Loscoe) less than the Borough average.  Between 2008 and 2013, incomes rose by 4.2% and 4.8% respectively in Heanor West and Heanor and Loscoe. However, in Heanor East incomes fell by 4.6% in the same period. The change in modal incomes illustrates that more households are
earning less than they were in 2008.

Poor educational achievement, 

There is a higher percentage of persons aged 16 and over in Heanor with no qualifications than the Borough of Amber Valley and national averages.

Low Economic Activity and Lack of Regeneration...

Following the decline of coal, engineering and textile industries which started in the 1960s, Heanor lost its traditional industrial base.

Loss of employment and the rise in mobility have reduced the dependence of
the local residents on the town centre.

The Market Place and Market Street area is severely under attack, this is not unique to just Heanor, it is indeed a nationwide problem

In Heanor the shops and services that survived competition from major centres like Derby and Nottingham which are in close proximity, now face increased competition from edge of centre retail developments within the town, which use increasingly aggressive economic policies in run down areas.  Then the advent of the online shopping boom by companies such as Ebay and Amazon have also had a major impact.  As a result there is a low retail provision in the High Street and Market Square, with a small number of local shops for convenience & comparison shopping.

Too Much of this...

There are far too many take-aways, betting shops and charity shops and not enough independent shop keepers, the ones that are there are losing "foot traffic" to the likes of the retail parks - Tesco, Aldi, Argos, Home Bargains etc.

Not enough of this...

There are no butchers in Langley Mill or Heanor that I know of, although there is a market stall on a Friday and Saturday, and there is are no wholefoods available either.  There are absolutely NO shops for the younger generation, meaning most of them go into Derby for shopping, maybe this is a key as people don't move out of these areas due to the above issues of low income/education etc. that Heanor has a large young person population, yet majority of its shoppers are about 45 years of age, this is not proportionate.

And another thing...

From talking to local shop keepers they all state that the rates and rents are high and there are a great deal of shop properties left vacant for long periods of time, as well as some falling into serious disrepair, the main problem is absentee landlords who are still receiving rent on empty properties due to having made long term lease contracts, which is unacceptable, shops left empty after a certain amount of time should be given over to community projects and regeneration schemes, empty shops does nothing for Heanor town.

There is some  good news in that the long stood
empty old Somerfield store has been taken up by Boyes, and the planning permission has been granted for their sign, which means the two empty (again too long empty) shops at the side of the larger one will most probably be taken up soon afterwards, again creating more foot traffic along the high street.

Lack of Investment...

Another problem is investment, there is very little to no interest in investment here due to an awful past history, where Langley Mill and Heanor in particular were and in some cases still are perceived as being a hot bed of racism and activism within far right groups such as the British National Party and English Defence League among other.

In fact this area was the subject of a book, a Channel 4 documentary and I believe a film exposing the National Front activity and the awful treatment of shopkeepers, and I believe interest in the far right has picked up again after an influx of mainly polish and other eastern European immigrants.

It is without a doubt a predominantly "white" area with 98.2% of the population being from white British backgrounds according to the 2011 census.

For more on this check out the Heanor Area Profile from Amber Valley Borough Council.

The People

All in all the general population are not apathetic, yes they can't be arsed to vote, (and that's a whole different blogpost lol) truth is, having talked to many people in this area, not just local businesses but you know the actual people who live and breathe in Heanor are Langley Mill, the consensus is this - they feel they have no support, that the local and central government do not care about them as people, about their lives or their struggles.  There are community initiatives but the uptake for those programmes which are frequently offered by government and private sector for is very low - many ask why.

Many people feel that no one listens, that although people say they care, they forget about the issues we face before and after 5 o'clock when the phone lines shut down and offices close.

Suspicion is another reason, and poor interaction and treatment by the supposed authorities - many are in social housing and feel they are treated like scum - anti social behaviour is very high in this area - this is evident in the fact the housing officers are accompanied by PCSO's in a show of force.

When you feel like you have been forgotten about and left behind, its hard to believe in anything other that the people you live with that have been there, like I have discovered money is scarce in this area, yet people are kind and supportive, people when my marriage broke up and i was left weeks with virtually no money to feed my 7 kids, turned up with food, gave me money, not much but enough to cover a days food, without the people being like this, these communities would be much much worse.

And yes well piss them off and they let you know about it.  They are not afraid to say what they feel and feel strongly about it.  I for one LOVE the people around here for their frankness and take no flannel attitudes. Some call that anti social behaviour, well if you want pristine homes, language and behaviour move to Stepford, people here in the Heanor area have real "shit" to deal with.

Shame though that is - I have to admit I totally understand, we are all sick of the Nanny State - of being told what to do/ how to eat/behave and speak.  At the same time we are completely fed up with being treated like scum by social housing who offer very poor housing quality and repairs (whatever their statistics) the town is a mess, litter, dog crap and generally poor appearance doesn't inspire companies to say "ooh lets invest here".

So the people just get on with life, making ends meet and tackling the various issues that come with living in poverty.  There is a strong sense of community here, but its not one that fits in with POLICIES !

Those in "supposed power" need to understand we the public are more informed than ever before and we see a lot clearer in regard to the machinations of politics and the corruption higher up,  Its not apathy for many of us, its a simple act of civil disobedience.  We know that to vote is like pissing in the wind, and we refuse to play the game.

We are "sheeple" NO MORE !

Many people in our local government like Councillors Cox and Jones care deeply about the people they have chosen to serve.

Yet the system is likened to a well oiled mill stone, sooner or later you get ground down, the pace of change and red tape is all too often excruciatingly slow or in some cases non existent and many time the ideas and wishes of the community either are not listened to or cannot be adhered to because of pressure elsewhere or for purely economic reasons, which whatever those reasons some of which don't make an iota of sense to the everyday average Joe Bloggs.

Its a vicious circle, we the people are the problem at times but the good news is that we the people are the ANSWER

The Positives


There is much in Heanor and Langley Mill in particular.  Langley Mill has been a market town since about the 12th Century, the railway and canal were key to its prosperity and there are still some beautiful Victorian buildings.  There is no tourist industry here and that is such a shame.  The Canal and the Great Northern could be the "Gate to Amber Valley", sadly much of this area leaves a lot to be desired, yet there is much potential.

Heanor could once again be a thriving market town if some of the issues with high rents and empty properties could be sorted, to begin with :)

I am still in the process of getting to know the various groups in activity around Heanor and Langley Mill area, I have been invited to the monthly Heanor Traders Association meeting by Geoff the Chair, who runs GTS computer shop on the high street.

I have spoken to quite a few of the business owners and shopkeepers along the market place and high street and they are all very keen to do something to regenerate Heanor area, this needs to be done without looking to the council as a major source of funding, however the council and LA need to do more to deal with the issues to do with absentee landlords and offer advice to local businesses on regeneration and business start up too.

Looking forward


I am excited about our first +Link4Growth Derbyshire  Link4Coffee event on Wednesday to have the opportunity to speak more at length regarding these issues and what can be done to change things around here.  One of the things we do at +Link4Growth  is act as an umbrella, under which other groups or individuals in the community can work together to make the changes the people in their community they want to see.

Input Needed...

I listened to both the Councillors, advice and frustrations and their care for their communities was very evident.  I have listened to the business owners, shop keepers, the residents and youth.  I am also looking forward to visiting the charities too.  

Next is the local educational establishments in the run up to launching Link4Youth in Derbyshire.

It is getting difficult to sleep some nights, I am learning loads and taking in so much information, its awesome.  I am also brimming with ideas, and after sharing a few of them locally the initial response from the public, especially the youth, as well as the local business owners and others has been very positive.  - more on that later too :)

It seems people in Heanor are becoming receptive to a different drum... more later on that ;) 

Suggestions on a postcard PLEASE !! :)

Monday 22 September 2014

Lisa - Out and About - Wales

Your Bus Y1 from Heanor to Derby
I have been away in Wales (Merthyr Tydfil to be exact) staying with my friend Elle and her family.

I say friend, she is more like a sister really, she is Godmother to my children and I am Godmother to hers.

I started my journey using the Your Bus Y1 service, which is free with a National Express ticket

Derby Riverlights Bus Station

I arrived in Derby to find I was nearly 2 hours early or my coach - so I sat and listened to an audiobook "The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz"

Just before 2pm we departed Derby, next stop Birmingham, followed by Worcester, Hereford, the Malverns, before lots of other places I cannot pronounce never mind spell, before we arrived in Merthyr.
My Favourite Part of the Journey - The Malverns

I was met by Abby (another dear friend of Elle and me) and my son Jack who nearly squeezed me half to death - I guess I wasn't the only one doing the missing, bless him.

We arrived at Elle's in time for Cheeseburgers and since it was her partners birthday, so we obviously wished Dave a happy birthday with much real organic ale and well... not so organic vodka, Abby, , my son Jack who had been staying with his Godparents for the last two weeks and Elle's son Daniel.  It was a very fun night.

On the Saturday we all three of us (Elle, Abby and myself), got to work on our future business, Namaste Healing Essence (Aromatherapy and more).  Elle shown me the mugs she had ordered
specially for our fledgling enterprise (a sort of manifestation of our intent so to speak).  And we got down to work.  It is truly amazing what can happen when three creative and fun people get together.

Sunday we were due to come home, but Jack and I missed out coach back to Derby, because the taxi driver turned up late and drove like he was behind a hearse.  I mean I know it WAS Sunday in the Valleys but bloody heck!

So we all spent another day together, lazy and relaxed, listening to all the different Audiobooks we share :)

Monday morning and we managed to get into Merthyr early enough to grab a lovely bacon cob (bread roll) and a drink before catching the coach home, many tears shed and much love for each other we parted and boarded the National Express coach 231, to return home.

Thank you Elle and Dave and Family for a wonderful stay xxx See you all again soon.

xxx Lisa <3