Monday 29 September 2014

Left Brained Hangups

oh my days !!

I have never been good with numbers can manage life maths but it was always my sister Julie who was the numbers girl ;) 

but last night something in me broke when i was considering an "assignment" i have to memorise 32 cards against their titles.
Please remember that I am to now the sort of woman that cannot remember what day it is, never mind anything else

You see i have left brained hang ups - seriously I don't do numbers, logic most physics except quantum physics strangely enough.

I spoke to my friend and a "sis" in every sense of the word and I told her it reminds me of school and having to prove myself in front if everyone else, when i just didn't see the point

I just knew I couldn't do it - 

I decided meditate on it after talking to my friend s.

Then something I have heard +Gerri Riddiough  say "whether you think you can or not you're  right"  something I have known is right for half my life.  Then i realised I had never challenged my thinking on Maths or absolutely anything remotely numbers related.


I have also been working through the book by +Carol Dodsley  called "Choose Change" as well as listening to her "breaking the past" NLP audios. 

I decided after my meditation to listen with the focus being (ie my intention being) to challenge that past agreement I made with whatever person or situation that taught me i did get left brained thinking activities lol

I put the audio on a loop while i slept my last and most focused thoughts on left brained hang ups and unhanging them.

I woke this morning and got to work on daily stuff before turning my attention to one of the most exciting projects i have been involved with since being "active" in the animal rights, the hunt sabs', human rights and other stuff i am REALLY passionate about.

A group of people i am so honoured to know, and myself have founded a local group in the Derbyshire/Nottingham areas to help people take lawful responsibility for themselves, their families, their income and property.

More on that later...

But since Gerri has worked in banking and mortgages i decided to look at that (weird when all my notes are geared towards the birth certificate issue).

I spent an hour following links doing research and chatting to some facebook friends about everything from pineapples, hawaii and hawaiian spirituality, polyamory, volcanoes and aspartame lol

It all seemed effortless really and then it hit me....OMG i understood completely and wrote my conclusions to the research 
but thats for another blog completely ;)

Maybe my left brained hang-ups are being unhooked 

xxx Lisa <3

Ps Thank you M. for starting this journey x to s. for being the voice of reason, Gerri for her little sayings (you have nearly as many as me ;) and Carol for her wonderful book and NLP Audio (which i thoroughly recommend both)

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