Thursday 11 September 2014

Shop Local - Day 3

We were late (as usual lol) so I booked a taxi with the local firm +Nat A Jack's we use them a LOT as often it works out cheaper than a bus ticket for all of us.  The drivers are always polite, down to earth and very helpful.  Lots of good humoured banter to be had :)

First on our list was the opticians, just making the appointment time.  I asked about Joseph's glasses, they were ready, but just need fitting, so I paid the remainder on the extra pair and made an appointment for Friday (forgetting I am in Wales on Friday so his dad will take him).

Once Adam's prescription was printed, we headed off to see what was still
open, we popped into the local Lighthouse charity shop to have a look for boys trousers, my boys seem to wear their knees out, being just boys :)

Nothing to be had, so we headed out, only to be given a bag of balloons, I couldnt believe it when I
looked inside and there were 7 balloons :D nothing like saying my kids will be blessed and need for nothing, the breathe of angels in those balloons. :)

We then decided to go and get some provisions for dinner, which turned out to be a delightful sausage salad, made from oven cooked sausages, which were half price Irish sausages for 90p for 12 so I bought 4 packs, and cooked all of them at once (tomorrows lunch :)

I bought loads of tiny new salad potatoes which I picked up  in the local corner shop, and at 5kg for £2 a real bargain too,  the salad was also reduced to half price so I bought the last very large iceberg, they didn't have any dark green salad, which is a shame, but I see that as motivation to get some growing in pots me thinks :)

I still have some seeds and plenty of compost, and salad will grow all year round in the various cut and come again varieties.

So dinner came to £6.20 and fed 12 people, and there are enough sausages to feed everyone for lunch tomorrow. - Bonus

What was lovely was the chatting in the shops, it seems that everyone has sense of humour, it must be these hard times we are having ;)

It makes me thing of one word

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