Monday 29 September 2014

Health & Wellbeing

Health and Well-being

for me this is find a balance in life and this is achieved I know through great nutrition and meaningful activity and exercise, creative, emotional, spiritual expression and growth, good sleep and natural rhythms.

I also know I have a LONG ways to go.


My aims nutritionally are quite drastic from how I was eating at the beginning of this transition period.

From the age of 18 to 39 I was a vegetarian and even vegan for nearly a decade.

Then due to being absolutely exhausted, desperately anemic and very depressed, I sort of gave up and started eating meat again, then gradually although my diet was better than most, it was poor in comparison to what I knew it should be.  For the past 3 years I have wanted to go back to being a vegetarian, the resistance by my family and a lack of money meant I procrastinated and this led to more illness and chronic fatigue.

So my aim is to correct this, to return to a vegan diet once again but this time increasing the raw content of my food to up to 80% by the spring.  I need to get my nutrition right and for that I have chosen to use the Juice Plus+ range and I start on their shakes today for SERIOUS !!!

So to start with I am using Juice Plus+ Chocolate flavour with coconut milk YUM ! - looking forward to getting going - along with my friend Nina  :)

My good friend +Gerri Riddiough has encouraged me to take before and after photos, and I admit that's a great idea, yet I am a little unsure about a bikini Gerri lol :P

I have been learning lots about clean eating and raw foods, and tbh I am really looking forward to doing this, I love raw fruit and veggies, and nuts and seeds and tbh its what I would prefer to eat, but as a mum with 7 kids on a small income I am conscious of the knock on effects, this time however most of the kids are on board with my plans, but don't want to go to the same extremes, which is fine, they will get there :)

But I started of by signing the 30 Day Vegan Pledge at PETA UK and signing up for the Go Vegan Kit.

So, far I have 4 weeks worth of my plan for the change over to vegan/raw food sorted (almost) - Wondering whether to do a Pinterest board or just a collage of the weekly meal plan - with recipes :)

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and much more to come

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